Breaking News

An Australian teacher in Nairobi shot dead during robbery

By Africa correspondent Sally Sara and staff

Witnesses said Gabrielle Maina was walking down a street when she was attacked by armed men on a motorbike in the affluent suburb of Karen.
The shooting has shocked the expat community in Nairobi, especially students, teachers and parents from the Hillcrest International School, where Ms Maina was the head teacher.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said it appeared she was "killed [by] a fatal gunshot wound during a robbery on the 19th [of October]".
"She's a teacher, it is a tragic event and, you know, our prayers, love and condolences go out to her family and loved ones."
The school's website said she arrived in Kenya in September 2015, after a successful career in New South Wales and overseas.
Ms Maina taught several subjects, including English, drama and Italian.
Ms Maina was originally from Armidale and was educated at the University of New England. She had many friends and colleagues in the NSW education sector.
A friend of Ms Maina who lives in Sydney, Carolina Gonzalez-Escaida, said she was devastated to learn of the teacher's death.
"I didn't believe it at first, it's really shocking, she'd only been here a couple of months ago now, she stayed with us and visited," Ms Gonzalez-Escaida said.

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